Would you like to know more? Please email us: sdapearl@yahoo.com
We are lay Seventh-day Adventists in regular and good standing who are committed to God's remnant church and believe that God has a purpose and a plan for His church. We attend mainstream Seventh-day Adventist churches and are involved in supporting ministries that are committed to evangelism. We believe in the Biblically based fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
This ministry is currently manned from Australia with three lay people who are committed to bring before our people the danger that our church is in with the unbiblical statements that have been placed on our church's official website under beliefs. The 2015 immunization statement and the 2021 reaffirmation statement were used by church employers and non-church employers to deprive our brothers and sisters of their religious liberty. This is because they are not Biblically sound.
We encourage all of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to stand in their congregational business meetings to reject these statements and vote for Sola Scriptura.
The issue we are addressing in summary and a bit more detail on the background
Click here for the 8 Steps to having the SDAPEARL movement in your congregation
A question we get asked a lot is, "Does this really matter?" Why are you making such a big deal and is it "a hill to die on?." That is, are we really needing to do anything about these statements and does it matter in the prophetic scheme of things. Here is the answer.
Another question that people will ask is why have a business meeting to address this issue? If this is a reformation movement, then God works at the level of the individual so that is all that matters. Why cause unnecessary division by having a business meeting. Here is the answer.
Download and print relevant documents or show them relevant videos
Our Pastor is telling us that to include this item on the agenda that he wants an elder's meeting to approve it. So how do we get this on the agenda if it is being controlled like that? What is appropriate procedure and how do we do it?
What to do to request a business meeting to discuss this important matter
Watch a series of videos on church governance by Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick. For those who prefer reading, the links to the articles are also included.
Whilst we provide proforma letters and examples from other congregations, we encourage your congregation writes their own, unique letter that reflects their membership's discussion.
Watch the video and read various statements from Ellen White on how she saw her inspired writings against the belief of Sola Scriptura.
A lot will say that this is not a matter of beliefs so it isn't important and therefore we don't need to worry about it. Click here for the answer
There have been a lot of claims made that Ellen White was vaccinated and that she would have advocated taking the vaccine. Read the response to that claim.