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There are more answers to FAQs under the various sections on the FAQ page. Please also check them out. Please note that there is an error in the process mentioned in this video: a seconder must be added straight after the initial motion has been raised.
Find out how you can raise issues and be involved in church governance at a business meeting.
"I want to address the church board tomorrow night ... not sure what to say how to bring it up. We have big issues of not being able to talk, openly. My church has where over half the church board are conference employees. I’ve been praying" Here is the answer
1. To the five Biblical Tenets of the Protestant Reformation:
a) Sola Scriptura (the Scripture alone) – personally study and obey
b) Solus Christus (through Christ alone) – cling to Christ’s leadership alone and follow His lead / example
c) Sola Fide (by faith alone) – fully trust Christ’s work in and through you and the process
d) Sola Gratia (through grace alone) – pray for the grace of God to work (gives the right Spirit)
e) Soli Deo gloria (for the glory of God) – seek to bring glory to God
2. To humbly pray for personal revival and reformation and the members and leaders of your congregation and the world church
3. To champion this for the Lord – like Joshua, Elijah, Gideon, John the Baptist, Paul
4. To see it through and see it spread
1. Start with those closest to you: videos, documents that we can send you , facebook, websites
2. Form a core group that will meet together to pray and plan the education process
3. Plan from that core group how you will disseminate information through everyone’s contacts
1. Have it included as an agenda item on business meeting already scheduled. Possible titles for the agenda item.
“Preparing for GC 2025” “Reaffirming our Faith” “Standing for Sola Scriptura” “Upholding our Fundamentals”
2. Request a special business meeting (board, elder, pastor needs to request if there is not already one planned; Ensure they understand the issue)
Send a document or slides to each church member in advance of the business meeting via your church clerk
You may wish to draft a letter that would be used to reject the statements. This could be sent around with the other documents prior to your business meeting.
1. Meet before-hand to pray for the right Spirit
2. Begin with your motion e.g.
e.g. “Publicly reject, through a letter to the governing bodies of our church, the inclusion of peer-reviewed Science as an authority for church beliefs. This includes voicing our rejection of official statements on [the therapy] in 2015and 2021, and the official statement on climate change in 1995.”
3. Ensure that the motion gets seconded - ensures it must go to a vote.
4. Summarise the issue: Summarise the document sent, use the 3 page power point presentation sent
5. Wait for comments/discussion: always bring it back to the core issue – standing for Sola Scriptura as a response
6. Request to vote. Two options: Raise hands, Anonymous vote (we send cards you can use) - we recommend the last option if there is likely to be disagreement.
7. If you can, have a draft letter that has already got most people agreeing on it, but if you can’t reach a consensus at the business meeting on this, the particulars of the letter don’t matter. The vote is on the principle of sending the letter at this point.
Ensure that the business meeting discussion ends in a vote. The vote must not be delayed. If you have sufficiently educated everyone before hand, then they should be well-informed to vote at that business meeting. A delay will likely mean that a vote will not ever be forthcoming.
Ensure a date is set for when the letter must be drafted and sent
Issue that May Arise at the Business Meeting
• Attempts to side-track the core focus – always bring it back to the focus: standing for Sola Scriptura
• Not enough time to discuss / not enough people to reflect the membership or insufficient education
• May need to request special business meeting if general business meeting doesn’t work– make sure you get a specific date in near future
• Use the intervening time to do further education
• People say it “Needs approval by board” to send a letter (p. 134 of the church manual says that the business meeting has authority over the board)
• People say it “Needs 100% agreement” to send a letter: nothing, not even church beliefs voted at GC in session needs 100% agreement. Besides Sola Scriptura is already a fundamental belief. You are just agreeing to uphold what you already profess to believe.
• “Need medical professionals / scientists to discuss or some other special committee” to discuss the validity of the science. This is not about the science of the vaccine, it is about whether Peer Reviewed Science can be put forward as a credible and infallible source of truth.
• Send to your local conference, union, division executive committee and GC ADCOM
• Send via email
• Send via registered post if you prefer
• Please send a copy of your letter back to us (sdapearl@yahoo.com)
• Continue your personal commitment to Sola Scriptura
• Prayerfully encourage others to as well – start / continue with prayer and Bible study
• Educate friends in other churches and have them do the same as you have just done