Don't mention controversial topics: the validity or safety of vaccination, cancellation or firing of church pastors or elders, the legitimacy of ADCOM authority, the definition of religious liberty.
- The issue is that peer-reviewed science has been added as a source of truth for our beliefs. Peer-reviewed science is not referred to in our fundamental beliefs and thus this inclusion of Peer-reviewed science is in conflict with the fundamental beliefs.
- Why do we say it has been added to our beliefs? Because if you go on to the website and click on the tab that says beliefs, you will find statements there that include peer-reviewed science as a source of belief.
- This was brought to our attention by the inclusion of it in the Immunization Statement of 2015 which say there is no faith based or religious reason to not accept the immunization (which means that we do not use the Bible or SOP to decide whether or not to be immunized because they are our only texts that define our faith and religion). Instead they say that we should accept it based on what peer-reviewed science tells us.
- Moreover, if you look at the last sentence of that statement, it uses a double-negative and then tells us this is a dogma and doctrine (words associated with beliefs). If I was to say "I do not not like you" what does that mean? It means I like you. That is because a double negative is always to be understood in the positive. So this last sentence is a statement that should be read in the positive - that is is the dogma and doctrine of the SDA church to take the immunization.
- Now this issue is not just in the immunization statements (and the reaffirmation statement of 2021), but it is also about other statements on our church website listed under beliefs e.g. The Dangers of Climate change statement 1995 which says that all church members call on the governments of the world to implement to conventions of climate change that were drafted at Rio De Jeneiro (this is the precursor to Agenda 2030).
- Do we as church members really want to say that is our beliefs. This statement is not based on the Bible or SOP and makes no illusions to being so, instead they make it very clear that the statement is ONLY based on what scientists believe. Check out our website for video and documents that will be of help in communicating with others at the board and business meeting.
- I suggest that you ask for a special business meeting to discuss and vote on this to reject these statements on the basis that they elevate Peer-reviewed science as a source of truth. Make sure you have EVERYONE there at the board meeting who understands the issue so that they can second your request to have a special business meeting and then vote it through. Make sure you educate them well enough so they understand the pressing importance of this. Also when you request the vote, make sure you get a specific date for when the business meeting will be booked for (try and get it in two weeks time, and not later than 1 months time).
- Use the intervening period to pray and pray and educate, educate, educate.