- My first response to this question is: Is Sola Scriptura important? How important? Is that "a hill to die on"? Obviously a lot of the great reformers thought so. So why would we not be willing to risk our reputation, loss of friends or whatever it takes to affirm and declare our Sola Scriptura stance?
- When you look at scripture, every failure to have rain (which represented the outpouring of the Holy Spirit) stemmed from lack of faithfulness and obedience to the Word of God. Since 2010, our church has had a push for revival and reformation. We have not yet experience that corporately. Therefore, it is clear that we must ask the Lord to examine our hearts and reveal to us where we have erred from Scripture. If we do not uphold Sola Scriptura, what standard do we compare ourselves to in order to have that examination. Hebrews 4:1-16 makes it clear if we want to enter into the Promise Land, we must have the quick and powerful Word of God cut the dross away from our hearts in order for us to turn to Him as our High Priest.
- All of the world events are pointing to prophetic events being fulfilled imminently. Whilst we can focus on all the things that are happening out in the world, we should also look to see if the final events are happening in our church. What events are these? The Elijah Message and the Latter Rain. We need to return to Sola Scriptura in order for God to fulfill His purpose in His church.
- If we do not push back now against the use of an uninspired source of knowledge, we will never do so. The Bible is clear - he who is faithful in the little will be faithful in the much. If you do not remain faithful to Sola Scriptura now in a church that is supposedly the people of the book, you will not stand for Sola Scriptura when the final test comes.
- It is only as we see the Bible as our ONLY safeguard that we will remain true to Christ in the final test. Now is the time to practice that protestant spirit of rejecting anything that is not inspired.
- Finally, as a denomination, we have always maintained that no heresy should be accepted in our church. Theological errors like rejecting the Day of Atonement or the heavenly sanctuary have been addressed extensively in our church. So, why would we not address the error of using an uninspired source of knowledge as a means of obtaining truth? The inclusion of Peer Reviewed Science is a valid source of truth is a doctrinal heresy and has led to:
1. Not just one specific doctrine being under attack, but the whole Bible
2. Not just a small portion of the church being affected, but has impacted the whole (global) mainstream church, in particular the leaders
3. Not just a theological dispute, but it has led to global union of church and state and persecution by the state
4. It effects every Seventh-day Adventist, every Christian AND every person who has at the core of their understanding that what they do with their body is subject to following their conscience and conviction.