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In 2021, the Ellen White Estate released or a document on Ellen White and Vaccination. In this document they made it very clear that Ellen White never wrote about vaccination either to recommend or condemn it. They then went on to say that there was a letter written by D. E. Robinson who said that Ellen White had received the smallpox vaccine.
The letter that Robinson wrote was written in 1931, well after Ellen White's death. There is no evidence that this is a correct statement outside of this letter. Here is a helpful article on the sentiment in the church regarding vaccination during the lifetime of Ellen White.
If we were to take all of Ellen White's counsel on drugs into account, it is more likely that she would NOT have taken a vaccine.
E.J. Waggoner in 1899 (whilst Ellen White was alive) wrote, " At the recent Health Congress at Blackpool, a paper was read by Dr. Adler, Chief Rabbi of London, on the antiquity of sanitation, reference of course being made to the regulations found in the books of Moses. Those rules were given by the Lord Himself, and, when followed, produced the healthiest people that ever lived. Let it be noted, however, that inoculation was not included in the list of preventives of disease. Perfect cleanliness within as well as without the body, is the sum of the whole matter. Clean food, pure water, fresh air, plenty of sunlight, regular, muscular exercise, and a clean conscience, will ward off any plague known. It may be said that vaccination and inoculation have saved many lives. No doubt they have served a purpose, and will yet do so among people who find that course easier than keeping themselves thoroughly clean; but to fill one's body with death, as a means of warding off death, is unscriptural and unscientific. " (The Present Truth, Vol 15 p. 640)
Based on the evidence, Ellen White did not take any vaccine and never recommended it as a healthy option.